28 Jun 2012

Inner Strength

Yesterday’s WEN forum opened with a thought for the day from Eileen, which looked at a rule for a happy life. This rule simply states that “Life is not about how fast you can run, or how high you can climb, but how well you can bounce!”

Eileen then asked the ladies to work in pairs and discuss which character they think they are like. Responses were very varied and ranged from the Roadrunner to an Owl to Winnie the Pooh to a Lioness. Each lady was able to identify with their chosen character and carried incredible depth, reflective of their characteristics.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Trish, a remarkable lady who has endured her share of trials and survived it, proving to be an inspiration to others. Like previous guest speakers, she spoke of a boss who saw something in her and supported and encouraged her to seize opportunities and develop herself. Spurred on by her inner strength, determination and the support of those around her, she completed a counselling course and went on to get a post-graduate diploma in Psychotherapy to work in a field for which she holds tremendous passion. This goes to show that if you are that determined to do something, you will find a way to achieve it.

The evening finished with an introduction to NLP given by Pauline Gibbs and Eileen, who said that NLP starts with you and is about you. They encouraged anyway who chose to do a course in it to be open to it, to learn and grow with it. They then taught the ladies the concept of anchoring.

The next event in July will be a celebratory event and will be the last forum meeting under the lottery funding. However, we aim to start again in September with a new round of events.

By Tulasi Siva